The DCNR Riparian Forest Buffer Program provides reimbursable grants to organizations to establish riparian forest buffers.  Grant applications will be accepted as part of DCNR’s annual Community Conservation Partnership Program with an open application period of January 24, 2017 to April 12, 2017.

Guidelines for the Riparian Forest Buffer Grant Program

Eligible Applicants: Local governments in Pennsylvania, non-profits and educational organizations

Eligible Activities: landowner outreach, buffer design, site preparation and buffer installation, plant materials and tree shelters, and short term maintenance (approximately 3 years).

DCNR will consider a variety of forest buffer project types, including conventional riparian forest buffers and multifunctional buffers. The multifunctional buffer concept has been successfully established in many areas across the nation but is a fairly new idea for Pennsylvania. The multifunctional buffer concept was designed to appeal to a broader set of landowners, provide greater program flexibility, address long-term maintenance issues, and allow landowners to reap a modest income from their buffers. Additional specifics about the concept are provided in links below: