A development project impact assessment checklist is available at: ceds.org/Checklist.pdf

I thought this two-page checklist would be of interest to those who contact the Chesapeake Network with concerns about a housing project, convenince store, or some other proposed activity threatening a community or the environment.

Topics covered in the checklist are:

·        Clean Water,

·        Traffic Congestion & Safety,

·        Schools Overcrowding & Safe Streets,

·        Tree & Forest Preservation,

·        Flooding,

·        Buffering & Views,

·        Property Value,

·        Air Quality & Health,

·        Fire & Emergency Medical Services,

·        Park & Recreation Areas,

·        Water Supply, and

·        Historic-Archeological Resources.

The checklist addresses just a few of the many concerns related to the issues listed above.  However, the selected concerns are those most commonly raised by citizens who contact CEDS from across the U.S. with questions about development and other project types.  Guidance on assessing growth management beyond a single project is provided at: http://ceds.org/growthplans.htm.



Richard D. Klein

Community & Environmental Defense Services

21300 Heathcote Road

Freeland, Maryland  21053


Main CEDS Website: ceds.org

CEDS News Service: cedsnews.com