Don’t miss the annual training and networking event for those involved in land and water conservation!
Register by March 14th and save 20%. Be sure to use promo code: EARLYBIRD17
Full-Day/Half-Day Seminar Topics
May 5th | 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The World Outside: What they Say About Why your Work Matters,
With Eric Eckl, Water Words That Work LLC
Take a journey through conservation insights from social scientists and market researchers. The findings are sometimes heartening, sometimes frustrating – but always fascinating.
We will explore what polls, surveys, focus groups and other research tools teach us – and how they mislead us – about the public’s attitudes towards you and your work.
Eric Eckl loves campaigns and would run for office if he could give the job to somebody else after winning. Instead, he helps conservation and environmental organizations with pollution prevention, fundraising, and issue advocacy campaigns. He founded Water Words That Work LLC as a marketing and public relations firm for nature protection and pollution control organizations. Before launching Water Words That Work, Eric managed fundraising, media relations, and publishing activities for many conservation organizations.
All registrations will be submitted online and registrants have the option of paying by credit card, Paypal or by check. If you need assistance, please contact us at 717.230.8560. Regular registration begins on March 15 and late fees will be applied to registrations submitted on or after April 15.
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Event Location
DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Map It
2400 Willow Street, Lancaster PA
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Lodging Reservations
Attendees are responsible for making their own lodging reservations. You may reserve a room online or call 717-464-2711. Please mention you are with the Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference and use code PAL.
Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art | Chesapeake Conservancy and National Park Service, Chesapeake Office | Development for Conservation | French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust | Natural Lands Trust | Trust for Public Land | Western Pennsylvania Conservancy | Wildlands Conservancy
Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference is presented by the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association and is Pennsylvania’s annual training, networking and inspirational event for those involved with private and public land conservation.
Pennsylvania Land Trust Association, 119 Pine Street, 1st floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101
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