Ever wanted to know more about plants? The Natural History Society of Maryland is offering a six session class on “Botany for Beginners“. No prior botanical or scientific knowledge is necessary to enjoy this course. We’ll start out by covering basic plant structure and function and discuss topics like plant growth and movement of materials like water and sugar. From there we’ll move to a survey of the plant kingdom and the evolutionary changes that have given us a diversity of plant types. We’ll finish up with an optional field trip to Rawlings Conservatory to get an up close look at some of the plants and adaptations we’ve studied. The course will combine lecture and hands-on workshop components to introduce you to the fascinating world of plants. For more information, go to www.marylandnature.org/events

Dates: Wednesday evenings 7-9 pm from March 22 – April 26. Optional field trip Saturday, May 6 to Rawlings Conservatory in Druid Hill Park. Suggested donation of $5 per person. Details forthcoming.


Natural History Society of Maryland

6908 Belair Road

Baltimore, MD 21206 (Overlea)

1 mile inside the Beltway. Onsite parking.


Instructor: Vanessa B. Beauchamp, Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University


Cost:  $144  – Pay online only at www.marylandnature.org/events