Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week begins tomorrow, June 3rd, and runs through the following weekend. If you are interested in joining in the conversation on social media, Choose Clean Water has compiled a list of themes for each day of the week (Wildlife, Recreation, etc.) and is hosting a DropBox where Coalition members can share resources related to each theme. Below is a list of Bay Program-produced content related to each theme that you are welcome to share as well.

Choose Clean Water DropBox of CBAW materials:

Chesapeake Bay Program Flickr: (If you use one of our images, please credit the Chesapeake Bay Program and let us know!)

Hashtags: #ChesapeakeBay #AreYouBayAware

Daily social media themes and related CBP content:

Jun 3: Kickoff

Jun 4: Food & Agriculture

Jun 5: Wildlife

Jun 6: Recreation

Jun 7: Drinking Water

  • Facts & Figures: Forests and trees help filter and protect the drinking water of 75 percent of watershed residents.
  • Facts & Figures: The more than 100,000 rivers and streams that thread through the Chesapeake Bay region provide drinking water for its millions of residents.

Jun 8: EC Meeting

  • #2017ECMeeting
  • Link to blog post and/or press release
  • Post photos of and quotes from attendees

Jun 9: Forests

Jun 10: What you can do