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NASA Citizen Science Adult Education Workshop

“Come Fly With Us”
February 27, 2018- 9am-1pm

The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (CBEC) is partnering with NASA on a program called AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network (AREN). AREN technologies are designed by NASA engineers and lesson developments incorporate STEM education using real-world settings at CBEC. The program’s data capture and visualization tools are designed to incorporate protocols set by The Globe Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program and meet Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

To learn more about the AREN Project and its partners visit –  https://www.globe.gov/web/aren-project/overview
As a result, CBEC is hosting a citizen scientist adult education workshop involving the use of NASA/AREN equipment for collecting data on weather components.

Join CBEC’s AREN staff on, Tuesday, Febraury 27th from 9am-1pm, for a fun-learning experience using kites and weather devices to study on ground and upper atmosphere weather components.  This workshop is designed to involve citizen scientists in collection of data for recording on the GLOBE website.  Fly a variety of kites that will carry weather devices that record data and cameras for aerial photography.  This experience will be a hands-on opportunity to work the equipment and learn about weather. The experience will provide sufficient background for participants to assist in data collection throughout the country.

The workshop is FREE, but limited regarding the number of participants.  Registration is definitely required.  Register by contacting  jwink@bayrestoration.org.  Dress for indoors and outdoors.  A light lunch will be provided.
