Call for Abstracts – Chesapeake WEA Stormwater Committee
Stormwater BMP Operation & Maintenance: Smart Design to Long-Term Performance
Seminar Overview
The CWEA – ASCE-MD Section Spring Stormwater Seminar, is presented to allow peer-to-peer information exchange opportunities for representatives of regulated stormwater programs. MS4s are faced with the challenge of inspecting and overseeing the maintenance of hundreds, if not thousands of stormwater BMPs. The purpose of this seminar will be to share lessons learned and tools to efficiently and effectively prioritize and maintain BMPs. The seminar will address recent trends and advances related to inspection and maintenance of stormwater BMPs.
This seminar will consist of 2 tracks, each with up to 6, 30-minute sessions, including speaker introduction and question and answer session. Topic examples include:
- Designing stormwater BMPs with longevity and maintenance in mind
- Construction inspection – its role in operation and maintenance
- Using maintenance inspections to inform BMP design
- Landscaping and site selection
- Specific maintenance needs for BMPs
- Program-wide prioritization of maintenance needs and inspections
- O&M training programs
- Resources and tools for maintenance and inspections
- Lessons from the field
Abstract Submittal and Information
Authors shall submit an abstract (500 words maximum) concisely describing their project or program and how seminar participants can benefit from it. All abstracts must be received by April 20, 2018. Notice of acceptance/rejection is scheduled for May 2, 2018. Abstract submittals shall include:
- Title
- Abstract (< 500 words)
- Make sure to highlight how topic addresses lessons learned and/or tools related to operation and maintenance of stormwater BMPs
- Brief speaker bio (<100 words)
If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please respond via email or telephone to Leying Zhang: / (240)777-7727.