We have the perfect gift idea for you!
Christmas Crab Compost is a gift like no other:
- One of a Kind (little chance of duplicate gifting)
- Has a Fabulous Back Story
- Guarantees an Experience (Your garden will grow!)
- Tough to Re-Gift
- For a good cause: Helping Annapolis Green continue our Zero-Waste (nothing to the landfill) efforts as part of our Responsible Events & Festivals (the Green REF) program
Now in high demand, we are offering gift-ready, festive 15-lb. green (reusable) sandbags of fluffy, sweet-smelling, amazing soil amendment, decorated with a red bow and the Fabulous Back Story on a tag, just $10 plus tax. Pre-order online by clicking here.
Our sale is happening both online (now) and in-person at these locations:
Annapolis Green House
92 Maryland Avenue
– Thursday, Dec. 13, (During our Open House & Midnight Madness II) 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
– Friday, Dec. 14, noon – 4 p.m.
Graul’s Market
607 Taylor Avenue
– Saturday, Dec. 15, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The Back Story
Two years ago, as a way to highlight the full-circle importance of composting and given the huge amount of crab shells and other food waste from the Annapolis Rotary Crab feast (14.5 tons this year!), we coined “Christmas Crab Compost” and decided to sell it as a fundraiser for Annapolis Green’s Responsible Events & Festivals.
The 14.5 tons (that’s 29,000 lbs., or the weight of more than two Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs) of material from this year’s Annapolis Rotary Crab Feast was sent to be composted in August. Consisting largely of crab shells but also including corn cobs, watermelon rinds, compostable plates, cups, and cutlery, napkins, it’s the much-prized ingredient of our Christmas Crab Compost.
Thanks to our professional composter, Veteran Compost, the material is now ready for the garden and for gifting!
Christmas Crab Compost bagged up & ready to go in our garden opti, “Glass Slipper.”
And most important… Christmas Crab Compost is the gardener’s best friend. The truth is in the garden. We worked compost into our vegetable and pollinator gardens at the Annapolis Green House (92 Maryland Avenue) and the results were spectacular. We harvested healthy vegetables all summer, enjoyed beautiful flowers, and were the rage of the neighborhood (and the pollinators). Compost brings beneficial microbes, macro-nutrients, and micro-nutrients to your soil. Plus, Christmas Crab Compost contains the secret ingredient of crab shells that are an excellent source of calcium, and one of the six most important plant nutrients.
Annapolis Green is celebrating another successful year helping area events and festivals be more Responsible and Green! A big push this year was increasing the number of events offering organic recycling (composting) resulting in Zero-Waste events.
Your orders will support the work of Annapolis Green to connect, inform, and inspire Annapolis residents, organizations, and businesses to care for the environment, live more responsibly and create a more beautiful and thriving community.
Give compost! It’s better than a lump of coal!