Trees Matter Presents: Green Cities Summit | Call for Presenters
Wednesday, December 4 | The Kellogg Conference Center | Gallaudet University | Washington D.C.
Casey Trees and Montgomery County are pleased to announce a call for presenters for our December 4, 2019, conference, Trees Matter Presents: Green Cities Summit.
Green Cities Summit is an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, educators and planners working in cities all around the world to come together, exchange ideas and create partnerships. With urban populations surpassing 50% worldwide proper city planning, specifically enhancing green space, should be a priority. This conference will highlight cutting edge urban forestry and urban planning research in order to inform practitioners and policy makers.
In crafting your proposal please ensure it fits within the three break out themes. Presentations are expected to be 20 minutes in length. Topics proposed should be of interest to our diverse audience from researchers to practitioners and implementers.
Your presentation MUST fit within one of the breakout themes:
- Livable Cities through Engaging Citizens
- Urban Trees and Changing Landscapes: Planning for the Future
- ReTree: Expanding Canopies in Growing Cities
Our team will be reviewing all applications after the September 15 deadline and will follow up by October 1. We look forward to reviewing your proposal!