The 1HOPE initiative provides an opportunity for individuals from around the world to collectively get involved in educating the public about One Health. Working groups are forming and will focus on education in six categories: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Civil Society / Community, (includes Non-Profit and Non-Government Organizations, NGOs), Corporate, and Government (includes Intergovernmental Organisations).

Vision: We envision a world where people of all ages in civil and governmental organizations apply a One Health and Well-Being (OHWB) approach – recognizing and respecting the interconnections and inter-dependencies among humans, animals, plants and the environment – thereby collaboratively addressing the issues that face us all and striving to ensure the sustainability of the planet.

Main Aim: To build and support global capacity for understanding and valuing the One Health & Well-Being concept and approach as the foundation for achieving the UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

A Project Overview has been developed ( along with sharable slides highlighting key aspects of the 1HOPE initiative and Planning Team ( ). It is not too late to get involved if you are interested and can able to actively participate.

It is not too late to get involved if you are interested and able to actively participate. New participants are welcome any time.