Hello Chesapeake Network!

Hopefully you’ve heard that the first-ever Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Education Conference is going virtual (June 29 and 30, 2020)! We’re excited to announce that registration is now open. The conference program overview is below and more details about speakers and session descriptions will be posted on our website in the coming weeks. Please help us get the word out about this conference by sharing this announcement and the attached graphic with your formal and non-formal educator networks! For more information visit: www.maccec.org.

You can also check out our post to Facebook by visiting the event here and sharing it directly with your network! 



June 29


12:30 – 12:45PM

Conference Welcome

12:45 – 1:15PM

Keynote: The Case for Climate Change Education

1:20 – 2:30PM

Strand 1: Environmental Justice & Climate Change

Climate change will not impact everyone equally. These sessions will include research, learning activities, resources, and conversations that will help participants delve deeper into environmental justice and learn about some approaches educators and community members are taking to raise awareness and address the unequal impacts of climate change.

2:40 – 3:40PM

Strand 2: Climate Change in the Classroom

What does climate change education programming look like both inside and outside the classroom. The sessions in this strand will demonstrate lesson plans and resources that put climate change in the forefront of students’ minds.

3:45 – 4:00PM

Day 1 Wrap Up

June 30


12:30 – 12:45PM

Day 2 Welcome

12:45 – 1:15PM

Keynote: Climate Science – Supporting Decision Making at State, Local, and Individual Scales

1:20 – 2:30PM

Strand 3: Climate Science


Climate science is at the nexus of many disciplines and systems. This strand will demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of the field and will explore connections between coastal ecosystems, agriculture, human health, social science and the ways in which this science supports decision making.

2:40 – 3:40PM

Strand 4: Individual & Community Level Solutions

“What’s my place in slowing global climate change?” In terms of action, students are clamoring to help and oftentimes leading the charge. This strand will explore solutions-oriented frameworks and will provide a sampling of opportunities to engage students with individual and community level climate change solutions. 

3:45 – 4:00PM

Conference Wrap Up

Flyer for MACCEC