Thanks to our Replant Anne Arundel partners, the Watershed Stewards Academy’s Groves of Gratitude initiative provides Anne Arundel County residents* with single native trees and pre-designed, native tree bundles to plant on their properties this fall. Trees and materials are funded by Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration, and programmatic support is provided by the Helena Foundation. In addition to improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, planting trees through Groves of Gratitude:
Provides you and your property with curated benefits such increasing pollinator habitat, screening from roads or neighbors, shading for more efficient energy usage, and/or providing a sustainable food source. See a full list of trees and packages below.
Supports a neighbor in need with your donation. 50% of the proceeds will benefit the Center of Help, to provide relief to families across Anne Arundel County who are experiencing health, housing and food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Remaining proceeds will contribute to WSA’s Impact Fund.
More information, including available trees and ordering:
County residents can place orders through Monday, October 26th.
If you are interested in ordering 2+ groves, please contact Grae Brummitt at
Socially distanced and contact-free pickup: Wednesday, November 4th in the Annapolis Area from 3-7pm and Tuesday, November 10th in Northern Anne Arundel County from 3-7pm (exact locations TBD)
*Groves of Gratitude are only available for Anne Arundel County Residents; residents of the City of Annapolis and Fort Meade are not eligible to receive trees