NFWF is seeking to reconstitute its Technical Assistance Providers (TAP) list as a resource for the Chesapeake community and those seeking different types of assistance in support of a Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund grant. We’re requesting submissions for inclusion on the TAP list by Tuesday, February 1st.

We’re requesting Technical Assistance Providers with specific expertise in any of the following areas submit their information for inclusion on this watershed-wide resource:

  • Habitat restoration (e.g., coastal and riparian habitat, forests and wetlands)
  • Agricultural conservation practices
  • Land conservation/protection (forest, farmland, and open space preservation)
  • Stormwater management practices and low impact development
  • Land use planning
  • Water quality and watershed planning (WIPs, CAPs, MS4 programs, etc.)
  • Public access planning and implementation
  • Community stewardship activities and programs
  • Social marketing and communications
  • Public engagement, collaborative processes, conflict resolution, and/or facilitation
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Mapping and modeling
  • Climate change adaptation and resilience planning
  • Grant writing and grant management/administration

To be included on the new NFWF Technical Assistance Providers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed list please fill out each section of the following Google Form and submit by February 1, 2022:

Form completion should only take ~5 minutes. Please submit once per organization, selecting collective areas of expertise and experience. Note that providers on previous iterations of NFWF’s technical assistance provider list will need to resubmit their information for inclusion on this new version.

After the submission deadline, your organization’s information will be added to the master TAP list which will be hosted on the NFWF Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund website, starting in mid-February, as a resource for those seeking assistance. Once included, an organization will be asked to confirm the submitted information is still accurate and current on an annual basis. New providers will have the chance to be added to the list twice a year when NFWF solicits submissions.

Just a note that unlike previous iterations of this NFWF list—where organizations applied for inclusion and were classified as “Approved Providers”—this reconstituted list of providers is meant to serve as a resource for potential grantees and the broader Chesapeake Bay community. As it will be crowd sourced with self-populated information from service providers it will not be considered comprehensive and inclusion on this list will not indicate a NFWF endorsement or preference for any provider.

Please feel free to reach out to with any questions and thank you in advance for contributing towards this watershed-wide resource!