Towson Presbyterian Church is a community that is inclusive, curious, compassionate, and courageous.
Towson Presbyterian Church has received funding for construction implementation through the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT) Outreach and Restoration Grand Program (O&R) for the construction of stormwater improvements at 400 West Chesapeake Ave Towson, MD 21204. The project consists of three separate areas: Area 1-Courtyard Rainwater Harvesting System; Area 2 – Courtyard Planters and Rain garden Plan; and Area 3 – Parking Lot Rain garden as shown in the attached Construction Documents. In all, there are seven (7) stormwater management facilities: three (3) Rain Gardens, two (2) Rainwater Harvesting cisterns, and two (2) micro-bioretention planters. The project will also involve construction of a dry river-bed conveyance, re-configuration of building downspouts, relocation of a dry-stacked stone wall, construction of a flagstone pedestrian walkway, and installation of an inline check valve in the storm drain to prevent backwater.
Towson Presbyterian Church is seeking qualified contractors to implement the approved stormwater designs. The project and site are described in this Request and the attached Design Plans. Towson Presbyterian- SWM Construction RFP_2-2-23.docx