The ninth bi-annual Chesapeake Community Research Symposium (ChesCRS24) will take place June 10-12, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland, and online. The scope of the symposium will include presentations on environmental research and science following the theme Chesapeake Bay Restoration: Managing Water Quality for Living Resources in a Changing Climate.

It is our sincere hope that you will consider putting together a proposal for a special session or workshop. All topics that fall within the symposium theme, described below, will be considered. The deadline for proposals is October 2nd. Find more information about the symposium and how to submit a proposal on the ChesCRS24 website.

Scope and Aims

Significant progress has been made toward restoring Chesapeake Bay water quality and living resources.  However, restoration efforts face significant challenges as we enter the third decade of the 21st century.  Perhaps the biggest challenge is maintaining progress in the face of a changing natural and human environment. Global warming and sea level rise are affecting temperature, watershed dynamics, groundwater processes, estuarine hydrodynamics, biogeochemistry, and ecology.  In addition, increasing human population in the watershed continues to add stressors that will interact with the effects of climate change and sea level rise. There is also a growing awareness that we need to consider the effects that changing environmental conditions and restoration efforts have on higher trophic levels and ecosystem services.  

By bringing together managers, scientists, and stakeholders for a series of plenary talks, panel discussions, and special sessions, the 2024 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium will not only highlight the progress that has been made toward restoring the Chesapeake Bay and enhancing coastal community resilience, but will also address future challenges to maintaining this progress in the face of our changing human and natural environment.