Dear Colleagues,

Are you eager to support young aspiring environmental professionals? The Chesapeake Research Consortium’s (CRC) Chesapeake Student Recruitment, Early Advisement, and Mentoring (C-StREAM) program is focused on recruiting, advising, and mentoring college students from populations who have been historically excluded from the environmental field and are underrepresented in environmental research and management professions. For the purpose of this program, C-StREAM focuses on assisting students who identify as people of color and/or who are first-generation college students.  CRC is looking ahead to the 2024 summer C-StREAM internship session, and we are reaching out to solicit proposals from individual mentors or teams that would like to host a C-StREAM intern. There are two ways to engage with the program: to be awarded one of the 9 internship positions funded by the program or to engage your funded intern in the additional mentoring resources that the program provides.  Please refer to the attached PDF for more details.  For general information about the summer program, please visit here:

The purpose of this email is to let you all know that it is time to start developing intern project proposals that can be considered for program support by either of the two pathways. Please send your project proposal idea to me, the Director of the C-StREAM Program, at ( no later than November 10, 2023. Please see the attached documents that explain in detail what the expectations are for a C-StREAM Mentor and the processes associated with that. This January we will also be hosting an Information Session” in person and will be on January 12, 2024 for those Mentors who have been confirmed for Summer 2024.

When considering project ideas for the C-StREAM program, please consider utilizing the Strategic Science and Research Framework, which is a database of science needs that have been identified by the Chesapeake Bay Program, and is available at This is a great opportunity to address some parts or all of a CBP science need while providing meaningful and purposeful work to interns. Please feel free to reach out to me, Randy Rowel (  if you have any questions about aligning a science need with an intern project or brainstorming different science projects.

Thank you for your time and efforts around these topics, and please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.