Event Details:

HalfMoonSeminars is hosting a nutrient pollution seminar featuring speaker Michael Miles on December 10th in Columbia, Maryland. The seminar is open to everyone who has a stake in clean water and provides 6.5 PDHs to professional engineers in Maryland.

You’ll be able to:

Identify aquatic ecosystems and learn how land and water interact.
Discuss how nutrient pollution enters waterways and explore costs of nutrient pollution.
Examine regulated pollutants in aquatic ecosystems.
Explore Best management practices (BMPs) for reducing nutrient pollution from urban and agricultural sources.
Use environmental modeling and build effective nutrient reduction strategies.


Registration and Cost:

How to Register

Direct Link to Seminar


Visit us online at www.halfmoonseminars.org
Mail-in or fax the attached form to 715-835-6066
Call customer service at 715-835-5900


Tuition is $289 for individual registration and $269 per person for three or more simultaneous registrations.


Continuing Education Credit Information:

This seminar is open to the public and offers 6.5 PDHs to professional engineers in all states.
The Maryland Board for Professional Engineers has approved HalfMoon Education as a CPC provider. This is a Category A PE course.

HalfMoon Education is an approved continuing education sponsor for engineers in Florida, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey (Approval No. 24GP00000700), North Carolina, and North Dakota.

The Association of State Floodplain Managers has approved this event for 6.5 CECs for certified floodplain managers.

Attendance will be monitored, and attendance certificates will be available after the seminar for most individuals who complete the entire event. Attendance certificates not available at the seminar will be mailed to participants within fifteen business days.



Growing up in Annapolis Maryland along the tidal waters of Chesapeake Bay, Mr. Miles was instilled with a love of nature from an early age. He now studies the effects of nutrient pollution on waterbodies as an environmental scientist. Mr. Miles has worked as a technical lead on high profile Chesapeake Bay restoration projects, including Maryland’s recent updated Watershed Implementation Plan for the Bay. He received special recognition from Maryland Department of the Environment for his work as the developer and content editor for Maryland’s Chesapeake Cleanup Center, a website that serves as a comprehensive resource for Bay restoration information in Maryland. Mr. Miles holds an M.S. degree in Environmental Science and Management from Duquesne University with minors in Biology and Chemistry. He is interested in aquatic ecosystems, environmental modeling and using science communication to drive meaningful improvements to the natural world.