Do unto those Downstream as you’d have those Upstream do unto you!
You’re invited to attend the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy’s Clear Creeks Project Open House to learn how YOU can reduce pollution, beautify your yard, and solve local flooding issues on your property.
Visit Our Lady of Mount Carmel to see how they have made their campus Bay-Wise while also providing parishioners and students with hands-on opportunities to engage in care for Creation.
- Bring the kids to participate in a fun, pollinator-themed activity at 11 am!
- Participate in a Blessing of the Rain Garden ceremony at 1 pm!
- Discuss native plants with a University of Maryland Extension – Baltimore County Master Gardener!
- Purchase a rain barrel for your home!
Light refreshments will be provided.
Date: Sunday, September 29, 2019
Time: 10 am – 2 pm
Location: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 1706 Old Eastern Avenue, Essex, MD 21221.
This is a drop-in event but we’re asking people to RSVP below so we know how many people to expect. Thank you!
Click here to RSVP for the Open House
Questions? Contact Amy Young, Clear Creeks Project Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator, by email
10 am: Rain Barrels available for purchase throughout the day
11 am: Buzzy Bee activity for kids
11:15 am: Guided tour of Bay-Wise Practices on campus
1 pm: Blessing of the Rain Garden
1:15 pm: Guided tour of Bay-Wise Practices on campus
The guided tour will feature: rain barrels, Bayscape Garden, rain gardens, native tree plantings, microbioretention practices and a Bay-Wise Certified landscape
Live in Glen Arm, Carney, Perry Hall, White Marsh, Nottingham, or Middle River? Talk to a Clear Creeks Project staff member at the open house about how you might be eligible to receive a 50-80% discount on rain barrels, Bayscape gardens, and rain gardens. The same discount applies to local organizations and businesses!
This event is part of the Clear Creeks Project. Coordinated by the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, the Clear Creeks Project is a grant-funded, citizen-based initiative that helps answer a community desire to restore the water quality of the Bird River, Lower Gunpowder Falls, Middle River, and Tidal Gunpowder watersheds. Additional funding provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Chesapeake Bay Trust; Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability; Baltimore Gas and Electric; and Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund, administered by Maryland Department of Natural Resources.