Scientist standing in an eroded streambed

Tom Jordan in the heavily eroded streambed of Muddy Creek, before its restoration. (Credit: SERC)

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day all year, with a free series of Earth Optimism-inspired lectures at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center! Stream restorations, especially in urban watersheds, are a popular strategy for reducing nutrient loads to Chesapeake Bay. However, the latest research suggests their effectiveness can vary. In this talk, SERC nutrient ecologist Tom Jordan will compare two stream restorations his lab has been tracking: an urban one and a rural one. He’ll reveal the different approaches each restoration took, and how each measured up in terms of improving water quality.

SERC’s evening lectures take place the third Tuesday of every month at 7pm, January through October. Lectures are free and open to all. No RSVP required—a curious mind is the only prerequisite!

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