Can one voice from Maryland really be all that impactful in the face of environmental concerns? It has in the past. Join the U.S. Fish and Wildlife at Patuxent Research Refuge Friday February 7th as we watch a film looking at the impact of Silver Spring resident Rachel Carson. In 1964 her book “Silent Spring” helped kick start the environmental justice movement and alerted the world to the dangers of pesticides. We are now over 60 years into the resonating impact of Rachel Carson’s voice. Come learn how one Maryland mother helped change the world.
The National Wildlife Visitor Center will remain open past its normal operating hours of 10:00am-4:00pm with the theatre opening at 5:00pm Friday February 7th. Prior to and during our exhibit halls will remain open to the public. At 4:15pm our Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps member will offer a tour of the species exhibits featuring Sea Otters, Canvasback Ducks, Grey Wolves and Whooping Cranes. Visitors will also be able to stop by our Friends of Patuxent bookstore to be able to purchase most of Rachel Carson’s books including “The sea trilogy” and of course “Silent Spring” while supporting wildlife research conservation in our area. Following the film guests will be able to meet Dr. Mark Madison a member of the films cast and US Fish and Wildlife archivist and historian and Dr. Robert Musil the President of the Rachel Carson Council to learn more about the woman behind the books.