Since its founding in 1972, EC has focused on building the capacity of those in the wetland field through quality professional development opportunities. Environmental Concern is fully engaged in the work of wetlands. We are able to provide participants a unique learning experience presented from the practitioners’ perspective. Develop your skills through classroom presentations and hands-on fieldwork taught by wetland experts.

Register today for Winter Woody Plant ID

This three-day course will increase your wetland knowledge by learning how to identify species during the winter season. Examine twigs, bark and other leafless characteristics. Woody species will be identified through lectures, field trips and field/lab keying. Background in botany preferred, but not necessary. The course is held on Environmental Concern’s campus in St. Michaels, MD. Courses begin at 8:30 am and end at 5:00 pm.

February 22-24

Fee: $650 ($725 after 2/10/23)

Register Here


Bluejay on Sycamore tree