The Maryland Stream Restoration Association will be holding the annual spring meeting on Thursday May 31, 2018 from 6 pm – 9 pm.

Please pre-register here so we can plan food.


We have two qualified candidates nominated to fill the open positions for the next term:

Mike Galvin (Secretary) and Mitch Keiler (President Elect).

Additional nominations may be made from the floor.


MSRA is thrilled to welcome back Dr. Tess Thompson who will speak on:Predicting Erosion Rates of Cohesive Stream Banks 

Dr. Theresa “Tess” Thompson is an associate professor in Biological Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech, the assistant department head for undergraduate studies, and a Turner Fellow of Engineering. Dr. Thompson has degrees in agricultural, civil, and biological systems engineering and has worked as an engineer in state government and private consulting, and as a consultant to US AID. Her research in watershed management focuses on stream and wetland restoration, urban stream systems, and streambank erosion. She currently teaches courses in fluvial geomorphology and stream restoration and is a frequent invited speaker on streambank erosion and low impact development. A former president of the American Ecological Engineering Society, she currently serves as secretary of the River Restoration Committee of ASCE-EWRI and on the advisory board for the International Ecological Engineering Society.

Appetizers will be provided, Cash Bar.

Members Free, Non-Members $15
