It’s not too late to place your order for fall planting projects from Environmental Concern’s Native Plant Nursery. Spring-blooming perennials are best planted now. Planting in the fall will give the roots enough time to grow and establish a strong root system before they emerge in the spring. EC has a large quantity of native grasses, shrubs and herbaceous emergent and upland plants available for pick up or delivery.  Check our availability now, and email your list to Environmental Concern’s Nursery Sales Coordinator at Proceeds from Environmental Concern’s plant sales help support education and outreach projects. In addition, you are supporting wildlife by planting species that depend on native species for food, shelter and nesting. Choose from a selection of ‘home grown’ native plants well suited for a variety of garden sites and conditions.

For wholesale availability, visit:

For retail availability, visit:

For general plant information, visit:


Panicum virgatum (switch grass) growing in greenhouse.


Spartina alterniflora (cordgrass) root growth.