One of the best signs of the seasonal shift from winter to spring in Maryland is the spotted salamander migration. Every year these amphibians all synchronize their watches and on a warm rainy evening in the end of February or beginning of March huge numbers migrate from their winter homes to ephemeral ponds known as vernal pools to breed. Due to human development, this means crossing dangerous roads to get from one part of their habitat to another. Every year many salamanders die attempting this arduous journey. Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (JBWS) is home to many vernal pools, amphibians, and unfortunately some roads. For this reason JBWS is seeking dedicated volunteers willing to help shepherd salamanders and other amphibians across the road during this year’s migration event.
Volunteer Commitment/ Requirements
Volunteers must be willing and able to do the following:
o Commit to being on call for at least 2 evenings during the migration window
o Attend a one hour training session at JBWS or virtually on Saturday 02/18 (if you cannot attend this training some exceptions will be made on a per person basis)
o Walk up to 2 miles in potentially cold rain for up to 4 hours
o Identify common amphibian species with the help of a field guide (covered in the training session)
o Provide your phone number & email on a signup sheet
o Where latex or vinyl gloves and follow a simple disinfection protocol
Questions? Contact Sanctuary Staff at 410-222-8006.
Ages 18 and older. Free.