Environmental Concern’s Native Plant Nursery is offering Retail Customers a variety of native plants for purchase. As growers, we have the benefit of selling the plants when they are at their best – showing off a diversity of color, texture and shape, and attracting birds, bees and butterflies to your garden habitat. Through August 29th, we are featuring three species of herbaceous perennials for show-stopping aesthetic impact in your landscape and three species of perennial marsh grasses for high functioning shore stabilization & wetland enhancement. All plants have hardy root systems, and beautiful blooms and foliage. Visit here to access the availability and pricing information (click on Retail Availability): https://wetland.org/retail/
You must pre-order plants and set up a time for pick-up. No walk-in sales, please.
We will offer a different selection for a two week period throughout the summer and fall. Add your name to our Mailing List to receive updates (scroll to bottom of page): https://wetland.org/