Please join the Maryland Stream Restoration Association (MSRA) on June 24th for our next webinar featuring Scott Scarfone from Maryland Trout Unlimited and his presentation on the Upper Gunpowder Falls Watershed Brook Trout Conservation Partnership. Registration for the event can be found at the following link:

DNR has listed brook trout as a ‘Species of Greatest Need of Conservation’ in its federally-mandated Wildlife Diversity Conservation Plan. Only three significant brook populations remain in Maryland. The largest and most intact is located in far western Maryland (Garrett County) with two other smaller populations existing in northern Frederick County and Northern Baltimore County.  Maryland’s Gunpowder basin, which rests in northern Baltimore, Carroll, and Harford Counties, supports the second most viable population of brook trout in the state with 25.2% of the state’s total population. The Upper Gunpowder watershed consists of 38 square miles and contains slightly over 60 miles of streams.

MDTU is in its 5th year of efforts to enlist partners with potential shared interest in supporting brook trout conservation efforts – either through their existing programs or working collaboratively with MDTU to establish new ones. A conservation effort of this scope and magnitude will only be possible with the collaboration and resources of a broad range of partners.  MDTU is entering an extended campaign of public education initiatives and private landownership outreach efforts.  The majority of the project’s focus watershed and targeted streams are within private ownership, so employing conservation measures with the support of private landowners will be the biggest challenge to the ultimate success of this effort. Strategic outreach and education to communicate the relevance and value of this effort will be paramount.  This presentation will provide an overview of the progress made to date, partnerships developed, research data obtained, and plans to move the conservation project forward.