Is your world an oyster? Are you currently practicing or considering entering the fields of oyster research, science, restoration and/or aquaculture?
If so, please join us for the inaugural Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium, a conference for early-career professionals, graduate students, researchers, restoration experts, and aquaculturalists. While we welcome attendees from all locations, the Symposium will focus on emerging science and innovative approaches to advance the oyster population of Chesapeake Bay.
Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2020
Symposium: 10:45 AM – 4:00 PM
Networking Happy Hour: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Virtual Meeting on Zoom
The Symposium will feature over 15 speakers, a space for graduate students to share their work with the audience, a casual happy hour for networking and camaraderie, and much more!
Topics to include:
- The State of Oyster Restoration in the Chesapeake Bay
- Optimizing Oyster Restoration Success
- Ecosystem Services of Oyster Reefs
- Emerging Technology and Techniques
- Gaps and Future Needs in Oyster Research
- Lightning Round of Current Oyster Graduate Studies
- Networking in the Oyster Field
Four panel discussions designed for succinct presentations and ample Q&A, lightning rounds of graduate research presentations, and frequent breaks to combat any “Zoom fatigue” will take place from 10:45 a.m. to 4 p.m., followed by an optional networking happy hour from 4-5 p.m.
We’ve assembled an amazing group of experts, post-docs, faculty, and industry practitioners. Please join us and share this event widely with your networks!
Questions can be directed to Tanner Council at