Free UMCES Webinar:

In 1940, H.L. Mencken referred to Chesapeake Bay as “the immense protein factory.” In the late 1800s, its oyster and shad fisheries led the world in harvests and economic value. Waterfowl rafts covered miles of its winter surface. Sturgeon and terrapins were everywhere. Dr. Victor Kennedy, author of Shifting Baselines in the Chesapeake Bay, will use eyewitness reports by early colonists, newspaper articles, and management reports from the 1800s to describe a cornucopia that we can now only imagine.

Presented by Dr. Victor Kennedy

Pre-Registration Required:

This event is presented as a part of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences – Chesapeake Biological Laboratory’s (CBL) Science for Citizens seminar series. Learn about upcoming webinars here: