Runoff Forecasting Tools in Nutrient Management

Date: Monday, March 26th at 1-2 pm EST
Webinar length: 1 hour
Webinar format: Adobe Connect 
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This webinar will provide an overview of several runoff forecasting tools that are being developed for nutrient management in the Northeastern U.S.

In general, runoff forecasting is intended to support daily decision making by farmers and nutrient applicators on when and where to apply fertilizers and manures. This presentation will highlight the need for operational decision support tools in nutrient management, review improvements in weather forecasting that have made short-term runoff forecasting possible, present the Fertilizer Forecaster as a case example of an emerging runoff forecasting tool in Pennsylvania, and will conclude with some thoughts on the future of runoff forecasting in agricultural nutrient management.


Dr. Anthony Buda is a Co-Director of the USDA Northeast Climate Hub whose interests and expertise center on the potential effects of climate change on watershed hydrology and water quality. Dr. Buda is also a Research Hydrologist with the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit in University Park, PA. His research at USDA-ARS examines the effects of agricultural management, hydroclimate, landscape properties, and soil features on nutrient and sediment losses in watershed runoff. Findings from his studies contribute to unit-led research on Sustaining Agroecosystems and Water Resources in the Northeastern US and address several national initiatives under USDA-ARS’s Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network. Dr. Buda holds a B.S. in Environmental Science from Susquehanna University (1998), an M.S. in Forest Resources and Watershed Stewardship from Penn State University (2000), and a Ph.D. in Forest Hydrology from Penn State University (2007). During the interim period between his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, he worked as a watershed modeler with the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB).


Supported by the USDA Northeast Climate Hub