Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as ‘forever chemicals,’ have been manufactured and used in a variety of industrial and consumer products in the United States since the 1940s, but have only recently received broad public interest. Numerous PFAS are present in the environment and have the potential to adversely affect human health and aquatic life. Many are asking how is the Chesapeake Bay region impacted by PFAS and what is being done to protect and manage the watershed?

Join us on Wednesday, December 15th, from 12-1 pm, to discuss what we currently know about PFAS, what we need to know, and how the Bay states and EPA are tackling the issue.


  • Kelly Smalling (USGS)
  • Scott Phillips (USGS)


  • Amy Williams, Water Pollution Biologist, PA DEP Bureau of Clean Water
  • Lee Currey, Director, MDE Science Services Administration
  • Betsy Behl, Director, EPA Health and Ecological Criteria Division

NOTE: This webinar will be recorded. By joining this webinar, you are consenting to such recordings. If you do not consent to being recorded, please discuss your concerns with the host or do not join the session. This event is free to attend, but registration is required. Register here:

About CRC Roundtable

The Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) comprises seven research and education institutions around the Chesapeake Bay, convening with the goal of using science to inform management. We launched the CRC Roundtable, a monthly virtual seminar series, to host targeted, inclusive, and informed conversations matching scientific advances and management needs in a way that moves us collectively forward toward decision-making for effective and sustainable management of the Chesapeake Bay, its watershed, and its living resources.

The lunchtime seminars will invite a diverse range of researchers, managers, and other professionals to have timely conversations around topics relevant to the Chesapeake partnership. The seminars also build connectivity across participating organizations and identify ways to increase our collective competency for decision making.

Learn more about what we accomplished in 2020 in our annual report.