The environmental workforce that will inhabit and take care of the Bay area will be critical in bringing the full range of solutions to the table to face the challenges of the future. There are new faces emerging, including the new network of Bay professionals being trained through CRC’s Chesapeake Student Recruitment, Early Advisement, and Mentoring (C-StREAM) program. We’ll explore how a current intern, her mentor, and a program alumnus got into the field as well as their future aspirations.
Join us on Wednesday, July 21st, from 12-1 pm to discuss how we can clear inclusive career paths and increase diversity in environmental restoration and science through C-StREAM.


  • Nick Coleman, Former C-StREAM Intern, Graduate Research Assistant at University of Maryland’s Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
  • Bailey Bosley, C-StREAM Intern, Undergraduate Student at Towson University
  • John Wolf, C-StREAM Mentor, GIS Team Leader at the Chesapeake Bay Program, U.S. Geological Survey


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About CRC Roundtable

The Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) comprises seven research and education institutions around the Chesapeake Bay, convening with the goal of using science to inform management. We launched the CRC Roundtable, a monthly virtual seminar series, to host targeted, inclusive, and informed conversations matching scientific advances and management needs in a way that moves us collectively forward toward decision-making for effective and sustainable management of the Chesapeake Bay, its watershed, and its living resources.

The lunchtime seminars will invite a diverse range of researchers, managers, and other professionals to have timely conversations around topics relevant to the Chesapeake partnership. The seminars also build connectivity across participating organizations and identify ways to increase our collective competency for decision making.

Learn more about what we accomplished in 2020 in our annual report.