The National Park Service’s Inventory and Monitoring Program, National Capital Region Network (NCRN) office, is recruiting an Aquatic Ecologist. This position will be filled as a GS-11 term (up to 4-year appointment) and based in Washington, DC.
The position is open 1/10/2020 – 1/24/2020 on USAJOBS:
The major duties of the position include: organizing field work and implementing the monitoring protocol at ten National Capital Area (NCA) parks; reviewing, updating, and re-publishing the NCRN water monitoring protocol(s); identifying information gaps and developing studies to meet information needs; analyzing >15 years of water data to address information gaps and answer ecological questions that will inform natural resource stewardship in the NCA parks. We are particularly interested in applicants who have experience integrating chemical, biological, and ecological indicators to determine and document watershed health.