An Overview
The Employer Outreach Coordinator performs highly visible and responsible professional work that directly supports the City’s Mobility Options Program, GO Alex. GO Alex promotes the many transportation options available in Alexandria to residents, workers, and visitors. There are several programs to support these options that are specifically geared toward employers, who are well suited to influence their employee’s travel behavior. This position is actively involved in the management of these programs, including marketing, outreach, reporting, and workforce/ community engagement. This position is part of three-person team overseeing the GO Alex in the Division of Mobility Services. Work is performed under the administrative direction of the TDM Coordinator of the GO Alex team. As a part-time position, the employee would be expected to work between 10-30 hours a week and would establish a specific schedule with the TDM Coordinator.
What you should bring
The person in this position should be a self-motivated individual who takes initiative to manage and advance the Employer Outreach Program, continuously improve processes, and get the job done. This person should have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of transportation planning and project management; the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with businesses, employees, other government agencies, and the general public; the ability to promote information effectively and engagingly, both orally and in writing; and a desire to help people with transportation solutions.
Employer Outreach Coordinator: Major Work Objectives
- Manage City of Alexandria’s Employer Outreach Program, which includes:
- Establishing and maintaining relationships with employers within the City and helping them promote transportation options to their employees
- Engaging with employees through a variety of channels, including sales meetings, commuter/wellness fairs, social media, and coordination with employer HR
- Developing and maintaining mass communication channels, including social media and a newsletter
- Updating the City’s progress through the ACT database and a contact log
- Coordinating with regional partners to share ideas and successful programs
- Promoting and managing various Transit Benefits Programs, including SmartBenefits, Plus $50, and Capital Bikeshare corporate memberships
- Developing new campaigns to engage employers and promote transportation programs and benefits. These may be event based (e.g, transit disruption) or season based (e.g, bicycle campaigning in spring and fall)
- Coordinate with the City’s HR department to promote existing and new transportation benefits to City employees
- Support other functions of the GO Alex team as needed
About the Department
The Department of Transportation and Environmental Services (T&ES) strives to improve the overall quality of life within the City of Alexandria through the development of superior infrastructure. In order to contribute to the physical, social and economic growth of the City of Alexandria, the T&ES employee team provides services of the highest quality in the areas of engineering, environmental quality, traffic control, transit, construction, inspection and surveying, street, sewer and fire hydrant maintenance, and refuse and recycling collection.
Minimum & Additional Requirements:
To qualify for this position, all candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree; one year of experience in general transit planning and marketing and/or delivery of ridesharing, transit, or paratransit services; and completion of college-level course work in transportation, business, or public administration; or any equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Preferred Qualifications:
To be considered as an ideal candidate, one should also possess a Master’s degree in Urban Planning, Engineering, or closely related field, and three (3) years of project management experience.
This position requires the successful completion of pre-employment criminal background checks.