The Maryland Environmental Trust (MET) is Maryland’s Statewide land trust. It was established by the Maryland Legislature in 1967 and is a unit of the state’s Department of Natural Resources. MET’s mission is to conserve and maintain Maryland’s natural, agricultural, scenic, and cultural resources for future generations, while also inspiring and engaging the public to take responsibility of state’s natural resources. MET is recruiting for a Volunteer Coordinator. Our current volunteers primarily function as Land Stewards visiting properties protected with conservation easements, documenting land use and ensuring that properties are being managed in compliance with easement restrictions. They photograph natural and built features of the properties and complete digital monitoring reports. Their visits help to foster and maintain working relationships with the landowners of easement properties and other lands we protect e.g. county and state resource areas. The Volunteer Coordinator, an AmeriCorps Member, will be working primarily with MET’s Stewardship and Local Land Trust Assistance program staff. Other than coordinating and managing MET volunteer activities, they will be assisting Local Land Trust partners with recruitment and joint training of volunteers. The AmeriCorps Member will also be hosting and scheduling educational seminars for our volunteers and landowners to educate on better stewardship of conserved land.