The Chesapeake Urban Stormwater Professionals (CUSP) is a FREE professional training program from the Chesapeake Stormwater Network! The core of the program is a 14-webinar curriculum that is taught in two parts. Part 1 introduces the basic impacts of stormwater runoff and how they can be reduced or mitigated by stormwater and urban watershed restoration practices. Part 2 focuses on the essential functions of municipal (or MS4) stormwater programs, and how to improve local watershed management.

CUSP is flexible and offers a wide variety of learning opportunities. The webinar series provides the foundation of the course, and participants have the option to attend live (recommended when possible!) or watch as recordings. We integrate the webinar series with office hours featuring guest speakers, interactive engagements, supplemental resources, and opportunities for cohort interaction. You can find out more on our website or email us for more information. We hope you can join us!