Hello Chesapeake Network,
The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) is looking for volunteers to join our Education Program team this spring. Our volunteers and education staff lead school and group field trips for learners of all ages and backgrounds from around the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The programs are outside, interactive, and based on some amazing SERC research. Oh and did I mention our programs are outside? In and around the beautiful Rhode River!
We are looking for volunteers who are 18 years or older, love being outside, love sharing their passion for the environment with others, and are available to volunteer during the weekdays between 9am and 3pm.
If you are interested, join one of our volunteer open houses at SERC’s Reed Education Center (647 Contees Wharf Road in Edgewater, MD) to talk to current volunteers and staff to learn more. Or you can reach out to me (Jillie Drutz | DrutzJ@si.edu).
Our new volunteer orientation is in mid-March.
Please share this (SERC Volunteer Flyer 2020) around with others who may be interested.
Thank you,