Hello Chesapeake Network, The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) is looking for volunteers to join our Education Program team this spring. Our volunteers and education staff lead school and group field trips for learners of all ages and backgrounds from around the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The programs are outside, interactive, and based on some amazing…
Dear Chesapeake Network! The Natural History Society of Maryland cordially invites you to attend our first annual gala, an evening in the Cabinet of Curiosities on Saturday May 19th, 2018. The Natural History Society of Maryland has been working to preserve the natural world, and inspire exploration and stewardship in Marylanders of all ages since…
Hi Chesapeake Network! Last chance to sign up for our awesome intro course to weather and climate taught by Martin Schmidt. See below for details and hope to have you join us! Please join us for a fantastic 6 session course about climate and weather with Martin Schmidt this spring! This is a perfect course…
HOOO HOOO WHOOOOO loves owls? HOOOO HOOO WHOOOOO loves delicious locally crafted beer?! Please join the Natural History Society of Maryland March Science Cafe at the Waverly Brewing Company from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on March 22. We are so excited to be hosting Melissa Acuti, of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, as she talks…
Hi Chesapeake Network from the Natural History Society of MD, Due to colder temperatures and less activity (come back spring, you were so close!), we have to cancel our first vernal pool hike this Friday March 9. As of now, March 17 is still a go! If you are interested in our future vernal pool hikes,…
Hello Chesapeake Network from the Natural History Society of MD: Join us at a vernal pool in northern Baltimore County! We will spend the evening searching for critters that leave their comfortable winter hideouts to engage in their spring nuptials. They include Wood Frogs, Spotted Salamanders, Red-spotted Newts, and of course, Spring Peepers. And there…
Can you believe that Beavers, an important keystone species in North America, live in the city of Baltimore? They do. Join William (Bill) Curtis to look for beaver activity in the Herring Run! Not only will Bill show how to read the signs of beaver activity, but he will also talk about the important role…
Join National Park ranger, Bill Curtis, on a guided hike exploring the ruins of the Northampton Iron Furnace, the 10th iron furnace erected in Maryland. The furnace was built by the Ridgely family, owners of what is now Hampton National Historic Site. The furnace contributed to early America’s wealth, and provided weapons in two wars….
The Natural History Society of Maryland is so excited to be hosting a MICA community education course! “Nature always wears the colors of the spirit,” wrote Emerson. Students in this course, which is suitable for all levels, use colored drawing media such as pencils, markers, watercolor pencils, and ink to draw specimens from the outstanding…
CALLING ALL YOUNG NATURE NERDS: The Natural History Society of Maryland is so excited to be hosting for the first time, nature troubadour, Christina Ayala! Join Stina for an afternoon of fun songs about wetlands, meadows, and forests (Oh My!). Come ready to groove and sing along! This event is perfect for families and especially our…
Hello Chesapeake Network! The Natural History Society of Maryland is looking for program volunteers for the coming spring and summer seasons. NHSM is a mostly volunteer-led non-profit organization dedicated to making the wonders of the natural world accessible to every Marylander! We offer a wide-range of public programs including fossil collecting trips, guided nature hikes,…
Hello Chesapeake Network! Join biologist Nick Spero on a winter hike to look for bald eagles! This is a great time of year to see them! (On 1/16/15 Nick saw 22 bald eagles!). We may also see some Lesser Scaup, Hooded Mergansers, and Common Mergansers. Difficulty: Moderately Strenuous (derived from the combination of cold weather…
Please join us for a fantastic 6 session course about climate and weather with Martin Schmidt this spring! This is a perfect course for beginners. We’re immersed in the weather all the time. This class will help you observe and make sense of what’s happening around us. Weather forecasts abound, but when we look for…