Envisioning a Just Future in Community Forests: A TreeVitalize Partners Conference Hosted by Penn State University on May 5 and 12 (12-1:30 EST). Registration due May 4. Overview This panel-style conference is the first Pennsylvania TreeVitalize Partners Conference, a conference to bring together partners working in community forests. The conference theme is diversity, inclusion, and…
Please join us on the Forest Service’s Urban Forest Connections webinar series! August 12, 2020 | 1:00-2:15pm ET Redlining’s Intensifying Harm: Rising Temperatures, Hotter Neighborhoods, and How Trees Can Help Vivek Shandas, Portland State University Cate Mingoya, Groundwork, USA For more information and to join the webinar, please visit this site.
The Conservation Excellence Grant Program (CEG Program) provides financial and technical assistance for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs), including riparian buffers, on agricultural operations in high-priority locations within the Commonwealth through grants, loans and tax credits, or a combination of all three. Priority locations as follows and in this order: Tier 1 (Lancaster…
Join us for our monthly webinar series! July 8, 2020 | 1:00-2:15pm ET The Forest Service’s Urban Forest Connections webinar series brings experts together to discuss the latest science, practice, and policy on urban forestry and the environment. These webinars are open to all. More information on this webinar and presenters is available here Webinar…
The Community Forest Ordinances live webinar will discuss an outline of a street and park tree ordinance and provide an overview of other environmental ordinances available to Pennsylvania municipalities. The webinar is hosted by Penn State Extension. When: Wed., Jun. 3, 2020 (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET) Visit the Event Website for more details…
Penn State Extension will be hosting a webinar on Community tree plans on Wednesday May 27 from 12-1 EST. Community tree planning allows for the development of a path to guide a management program to protect and enhance the community forest. Plans provide objectives and strategies to allow a program to move forward using goal…
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources organized a riparian forest buffer webinar series during the month of April. The PA Association of Conservation Districts and the Department of Environmental Protection recorded each webinar session and have made them available on their Clean Water Academy website.