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Sarah EW L.

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Job Title

Natural Resource Planner

About You

With the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Sarah Lane leads the State’s efforts in identifying new restoration practices for water quality restoration through Maryland’s Innovative Technology Fund.  Sarah integrates emerging data into programs that prioritize restoration strategies and highlights how policy, regulation and legislation can enhance the implementation of cost effective best management practices.  Prior to working at DNR, Sarah was a project leader for the Mid-Atlantic Water Program working on developing definitions for natural filter, urban stormwater and agricultural best management practices and their associated nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment reduction efficiencies.  In 2010, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, National Water Program recognized Sarah’s work with a Project of Excellence Award.  Sarah was a fellow at the Chesapeake Bay Program Office, and an intern at the Center for Watershed Protection.  She has a B.S. in Geography and Environmental Systems from UMBC, and a M.S. in Environmental Sciences and Policy from Johns Hopkins University.

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