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Charles A. Davis

Your Affiliated Organization

The Natural History Society of Maryland

Job Title

Program Volunteer

About You

My Background:  Charlie Davis has academic dHe holds degrees in Fish & Wildlife Management from the School of Forestry at West Virginia University and Master of Science degree from the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at Towson University.

My Work History:  Charlie Davis is a consulting ecologist specializing in rare species inventory and management.  His clients have included U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, Maryland Army National Guard, U.S. National Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey, The Nature Conservancy, land developers, and numerous other private landowners.    Mr. Davis' is an instructor in numerous venues including popular presentations to school groups and community groups; private instruction; and technical presentations to university classes and professional groups.  He was a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Oregon Ridge Nature Center Council.  For ten years he instructed in the Johns Hopkins University Odyssey Program Certificate of Environmental Studies; teaching courses in plant identification techniques and tree identification.  He was formerly employed as coastal zone planner for Baltimore County government and natural resources planner for Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission—where he helped to develop and implement the original regulations of the Commission .  He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Natural History Society of Maryland, Inc., which is establishing a natural history collections conservation facility and ecological learning center in Overlea community of Baltimore to serve the statewide general public.

My Interests:                  The Natural History Society of Maryland (NHSM) is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit corporation founded in 1929.  It mission is to “To foster stewardship of Maryland's natural heritage by conserving its natural history collections, educating its citizenry, and inspiring its youth to pursue careers in the natural sciences.” From 1936 to the early 1970s it operated a Maryland Natural History Museum at Druid Hill Park in Baltimore.  Here it offered public programs and outreach educational programs to schools and clubs.  The volunteers of the Society, as amateur naturalists, were instrumental in assembling information about the natural resources of the State through statewide exploration surveys and by publishing and distributing to the public many of their observations in newsletters, leaflets, and reports.  In that spirit the Society currently publishes a peer-reviewed scientific journal, The Maryland Naturalist.  Following a strategic plan developed in 2003, the Society has recently purchased a site in the Overlea community of Baltimore County where it plans to renovate the building and establish an ecological learning center.  The center will contain offices for the Society and related organizations, a classroom/conference room for hands-on learning opportunities, and facilities to conserve and interpret natural science collections.  Once renovations are completed, the Society will offer programs on-site and within the neighborhoods and communities of the State, so that people can learn to discover nature where they live.  Additional information about the Society can be found on its webpages at

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