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Ms. Kenna Oseroff

Your Affiliated Organization


Job Title

Environmental Planner

About You

My Background: Maryland Native.  I lived in the western US for 13 years because I am an adventure sports junky and I moved back to Maryland around 5 years ago to be closer to family.  I completed my BA in Ecology at Prescott College in AZ and completed my MS at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore in Environmental Science and Planning. 

My Work History: I am currently employed in Environmental Planning which involves working with environmental and land use policies set forth by Local, State and Federal jurisdictions with regards to five counties in Maryland.  Examples of projects I am responsible for include stream, wetland and forest conservation and mitigation projects, environmental permitting, stormwater management design, Phase I Environmental Assessments, critical area buffer management plans, and shoreline enhancements.  Other examples of highlights in my career include; 1) my experience with the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program.   Specifically, I worked directly with the Living Resources Subcommittee.  Our group was responsible for the science and policy related to the preservation and conservation of the Chesapeake Bays living resources. 2) I prepared a riparian restoration plan for the City of Prescott in Arizona.  This plan included GIS maps that were created by manipulating data and creating layers along with policy and field research.  3) I have used a GIS based program called the Ecological Footprint.  I created an ecological footprint for the City of Prescott by manipulating data in the cities database. 4) I have conducted fieldwork through the use of GPS stored data and downloaded into a GIS system for manipulation. 5) I have planned and participated in restoration projects for aquatic and wetland endangered species.

My Interests:

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