
Basic Info

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Display Name

Mr. John P Long

Your Affiliated Organization

Clean Bread and Cheese Creek

Job Title

Founder, President


About You

  Why does Bread and Cheese Creek Matter?

Bread and Cheese Creek and the surrounding land are hallowed grounds.  Brave young men shed their blood to defend our fledgling nation because they believed with all their hearts we could be the bastion of freedom in a world dominated by tyrants.

People don’t dump their construction debris in the battlefields of Gettysburg.  They don’t throw their fast food trash into the waters over the USS Arizona.  Bread and Cheese Creek deserves the same reverence. These sites are all places that helped to galvanize us into a nation; they represent moments in our nation's history that transformed us from a group of hapless immigrants into a people.

On September 14, 1814 those brave men fought our nation's second War of Independence. If they had lost, if they had given up or stopped caring there would be no United States of America.  We owe it to them to transform this creek into a fitting monument to their sacrifice.

Today many lose sight of what our Nation stands for, all the great things it has accomplished.  They see only the mistakes or the times we have fallen short because our spirit aspired to noble goals we just couldn’t reach or the errors made by those who have hijacked the greatness of our country only to serve themselves.

As I look onto the trash covered shores of this little creek with such an important history I have to wonder, who has the greater need?  Does Bread and Cheese Creek need us, or do we need Bread and Cheese Creek and what it stands for…


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