
Basic Info

First Name


Last Name


Display Name

Katie R.

Your Affiliated Organization

Clean Virginia Waterways of Longwood University

Job Title

Executive Director

About You

My Background:

While I was born & raised in the Mid-West, I have lived in the Chesapeake Bay watershed all of my adult life. I have a Master's degree from George Mason University in environmental sciences & public policy, and another Master's degree in Teaching Biological Sciences from Miami University.

My Work History:

<strong>Executive Director, Clean Virginia Waterways of Longwood University</strong> 1995 – Present

Clean Virginia Waterways is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to citizen stewardship of Virginia's water resources. CVW coordinates the International Coastal Cleanup annually (Sept & Oct), promotes citizen water quality monitoring, conducts workshops for teachers, and teaches water conservation through its popular Rain Barrel Workshop program. As Executive Director, I am responsible for grant writing and reporting; managing the staff, interns and volunteers; program development and management; and teaching workshops. Thanks to grant from the VA Coastal Zone Management Program, I helped develop the Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan –<em> the first such plan on the East Coast. I also conduct research on the sources, impacts and solutions to common and harmful types of marine debris including cigarette butts, balloons, and single-use plastic food and beverage items. </em>
<em>CVW is affiliated with Ocean Conservancy. CVW's headquarters are located on the Longwood campus in Farmville, Virginia.</em>
<em>Join CVW on Facebook :</em&gt;

<strong>Consultant, environmental consulting</strong> 1999 – Present

<em>In addition to working for Clean VA Waterways, I have served as a consultant for National Geographic Society, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, VA Aquarium & Marine Science Center, US Environmental Protection Agency, Ocean Conservancy, Sheavly Consultants,  Longwood University's Hull Springs Farm, Keep America Beautiful, Philip Morris USA, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and Virginia Dept of Environmental Quality.</em>

<strong>Vice-Chair, Steering Committee, Virginia Water Monitoring Council</strong> 2003 – Present

<em>The Virginia Water Monitoring Council (VWMC) is a voluntary organization dedicated to coordinating water monitoring activities throughout Virginia and communicating information about water monitoring. Membership is free and open to anyone with an interest in water monitoring. If you participate in a water monitoring program, use water monitoring data, or are interested in water monitoring issues in Virginia, you should join the VWMC. To join, please contact the VWMC administrative assistant at</em>

<strong>Adjunct Instructor</strong> Longwood University in Farmville, VA 1999-2003

<em>I taught several courses in Longwood's Department of Sciences (Environmental Issues, Man & the Environment, Water and Water Pollution). I continue to be a frequent guest lecturer for a variety of courses.


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