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Your Affiliated Organization

Chesapeake BaySavers

Job Title

Development Director


About You

The Chesapeake Baysavers is an Annapolis-based environmental nonprofit with a mission to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay through legislative efforts, community outreach, hands-on restoration work, and environmental education programs for youth.
In order to accomplish our mission, Chesapeake BaySavers is made up of two separate entities that each play a vital role in restoring our beloved Chesapeake Bay:
<a href="; rel="nofollow">Chesapeake Baysavers Foundation</a> is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay through education, community outreach and hands-on environmental restoration work.
<a href="; rel="nofollow">Chesapeake Baysavers, Inc.</a> is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization whose mission is to preserve, protect and promote the health of the Chesapeake Bay through legislative efforts, with a focus on legislation that affects oysters.”

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