
Basic Info

First Name


Last Name


Display Name

Jeffrey Popp

Your Affiliated Organization

Chesapeake Bay Trust

Job Title

Program Officer


About You

Jeffrey Popp leads the Green Streets Green Jobs Green Towns, Anne Arundel County Forestry and Mini Greening, and Montgomery County Stormwater grant programs at the Chesapeake Bay Trust. Before coming to the Trust, Jeff was the Manager of Conservation Projects with the Wildlife Habitat Council where he coordinated, designed, and managed on-the-ground corporate habitat restoration projects in both rural and urban settings. Working with landowners and other community partners, Jeff helped navigate and overcome the challenges of creating successful restoration projects that benefits wildlife, water quality, and surrounding communities.

Jeff has over 15 years of experience in habitat design and community outreach, and specializes in native plants, reptiles and amphibians, and habitat restoration. Jeff has worked for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and as Co-Director for the Terrapin Institute. He has served on Governor appointed task forces relating to reptile, amphibian, pollininators and fisheries conservation and remains active in natural resource and conservation education issues on national and local levels. Jeff hold a Bachelor's degree in Biology from Towson University. In his free time, Jeff enjoys herping, fishing, and spending time in the outdoors

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