The Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN) invites you to join us for The N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature. The next webinar will be held on Thursday, March 17th at 12:30 EST and be given by Charles Van Rees (UGA). Infrastructure and biodiversity lie at the heart of the…
The Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN) invites you to join us for The N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature. The next webinar will be held on Thursday, January 20th at 12:30 EST. Todd Swannack will discuss capturing and quantifying the multi-scale benefits of natural and nature-based features. Natural and…
The Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN) invites you to join us for The N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature. The next webinar will be held on Thursday, November 18 at 12:30 EST. Kyle McKay and Don Nelson will discuss operationalizing equity for integrated water resources. Advancing social equity has…
The Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN) invites you to join us for The N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature. The next webinar will be held on Thursday, October 21 at 12:30 EST. Shana Jones, JD and Scott Pippen, JD will discuss living shoreline policy. Adapting shoreline stabilization infrastructure and…