Update on November 1, 2019: Thank you to all of you who completed our form! We have 20 responses from a wide swath of Chesapeake Bay enthusiasts. Thanks so much for coming through!! ****************************************************************************************** Dear Chesapeake Network members, For the past two years, you have come through in a big way for high schoolers at…
Do you live near the Bay? Do you work on the Bay? Do you love the Bay? You can be a direct help to a local high school STEM class by filling out this form. The class is learning to analyze data and each group will develop a digital app for the specific needs of…
Dear Chesapeake Bay enthusiasts, Last year, 10 of you filled out this form for our Grade 10 Chesapeake Bay app project–students crunched public Bay data and designed a useful app for a specific stakeholder. One of my favorites used water conditions over time to predict where specific fish could be located in the future for a family…
Motivated by great work that Fairfax County, VA Public Schools has done with Knowles on a Chesapeake Bay engineering design project (“Design a communication device to share data on the Bay with stakeholders”) and the wealth of resources that the Chesapeake Network provided those students, I want to share with you all an opportunity for…
Fishermen, crabbers, boaters, volunteers–We need your input! Students from a Northern VA high school are designing apps to provide information to specific Chesapeake Bay stakeholders. The trouble is, they don’t know many! Help give motivation to student learning by responding to this call for stakeholder input. Use this anonymous form to provide input. Do you…